If there is a needFacial rejuvenation? Scientists have proven that the human body develops between the ages of 25 and 30. Then inevitably comes the time of gradual fading and the first signs of aging appear. The skin loses its roundness and elasticity and becomes dry. The situation is exacerbated by hereditary stress, stress at work or at home, living in an ecologically unfavorable region (e. g. in a big city), poor nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle.
"Crow's feet" around the eyes become noticeable, the eyelids become heavier, nasolabial folds form and a double chin appears even if you are thin.
A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are paramount. And although cosmetic procedures at home undoubtedly have an effect, this is the first time we are talking about the possibility of thread lifting (facelift). Women who want to look young take care of themselves in advance: from the age of 30 to 40, they regularly go to the beautician. This is the time when it is easier to preserve beauty than to restore it later.
You can regain your beauty at any age
After 40 yearsIt is time to actively fight to preserve youth. The natural complexion is sallow, the skin around the eyes is covered in a wrinkled network and the nasolabial triangle becomes more pronounced. Expression wrinkles no longer smooth out even when you are at rest. Home remedies become ineffective. But a visit to a beauty clinic, where the cosmetic arsenal is wide (both care products and face lifting are offered), quickly leads to excellent results.
From 50 to 60Those women who began to take an active part in their rejuvenation earlier look good. The rest have to work hard to look younger. Everything comes into play: diets, physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, multi-component home care. But that's not enough. The skin is too thin, dull and has age spots. The face seems to float downwards: gravity cannot be canceled. The doctor selects methods and means for rejuvenation individually. At this age, you can do a thread lift with thickened threads; plastic surgery helps a lot with this.

After sixty yearsIf no measures were taken beforehand, the signs of aging will be fully expressed. The skin is dry and thin, dull, pigmented and has deep wrinkles. The eyelids and the corners of the mouth droop. The double chin and the strongly lowered cheek areas (bulldog cheeks) are striking. The beautician uses the most suitable and gentle rejuvenation method. Plastic surgery is mainly used.

Retinol peeling
The Advanced Retinol Peel is a mild to moderate peel that is suitable for most skin types.
It is particularly ideal for people who suffer from acne or pigmentation and want to reduce the visible signs of aging.
Features of the retinol peeling procedure:
- refers to superficial-median procedures;
- Purpose - complete skin rejuvenation;
- Fight against all signs of aging);
- elimination of hyperpigmentation;
- smoothing of wrinkles;
- normalization of the sebaceous glands;
- narrowing of pores;
- Reduction of inflammatory processes (acne, pimples, blackheads);
- elimination of rosacea and scars;
- Activation of collagen and elastin production (lifting effect).
Lifting or toning?
When it comes to preserving youth, women often wonder which is better: facelift or lifting? In fact, they are the same thing. The word "lift" means "to rise". Essentially, both terms refer to a procedure for improving facial contours. OftenLifting is a gentler procedure, and a lift is a full-fledged surgical procedure, but this is at the level of perception. Performing a facelift means performing a tightening. For example, facial contour lift and facial contour lift are different names for the same rejuvenation solution for which you turn to professionals.
Darsonval for face
This procedure is often chosen as a safe facial rejuvenation treatment.

The rejuvenating effect of Darsonval becomes noticeable after just a few procedures:
- wrinkles are reduced;
- the complexion is refreshed;
- Pores are reduced in size.
The procedures help to activate collagen formation in the skin of the face, as a result of which the oval acquires a clearer contour and the elasticity of the skin increases.
At what age is a circular facelift necessary?
A circular facelift is called a classic facelift. The aim of this operation is to remove excess skin without affecting the muscles. It is performed along the contour of the face through thin incisions along the hairline, along the ears and under the chin. Scars after this type of plastic surgery are practically invisible and are located in inconspicuous places. The effect lasts for a long time. If the procedure is combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), the face changes dramatically and looks significantly younger:
- all wrinkles are smoothed out;
- its outlines become clear;
- the double chin and sagging cheeks disappear;
- the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
The result, the same lifting effect, depends on the timing of the procedure. It is not difficult to determine this yourself, but it is better to trust a professional who specializes in modern cosmetology and plastic surgery. Usually a circular facelift is planned for the age of 45-55, but much depends on the individual characteristics of a particular woman and the condition of her skin tissue.

The best cosmetic procedures for facial skin
Nowadays it is possible to carry out useful cosmetic facial treatments. Beauty salons offer the best beauty treatments. Our beauticians work in compliance with all safety measures.
It can be difficult to decide on the best procedure. It depends on many factors – the season, age, skin problems, contraindications. It is best to seek advice from a professional beautician who will select the right cosmetic procedure or treatment package for your facial skin.
In the meantime, we offer the top 10 cosmetic facial treatments that you can sign up for at our beauty salons today.
Prevention of skin aging or facial rejuvenation at the age of 30
Thirty years old: can you think about age? About serious procedures such as face, neck and décolleté lifts? It is possible and even necessary. Don't be afraid of the first wrinkle, but know exactly what you need to do to prevent it from appearing for as long as possible.
It's time: meet a good beautician. It determines your skin type and its condition. He will tell you how to care for them to avoid aging and fading problems. He will recommend procedures that are suitable for you and are as gentle as possible. By performing them with a certain frequency, you can maintain your appearance for several years and surprise your friends.
Diet, exercise, the right skin care for your face, neck and décolleté, and vitamins are wonderful ways to support health and help you look great. Targeted injections of Botox and fillers work well for certain problems. Gentle mesotherapy and sophisticated lifting with absorbable threads help the skin maintain its youthful appearance for a long time. You'll look 20 when you're 30.

IAL system
This technique is an injection skin lifting and is based on Italian medicines of the same name. Gives the effect of biological revitalization. The injected gel is a plastic, viscous solution of artificial hyaluronic acid. The entire procedure takes between 40 minutes and 1 hour. To prevent discomfort, it is carried out in combination with local anesthesia.
The entire course includes 3 treatments in increments of 14 and 30 days (breaks between the first/second and second/third sessions).
How to rejuvenate your face at 40?
At this point, if you have been friends with the beautician for a long time and follow his advice, you will continue to work regularly and systematically to maintain your appearance.
But suddenly you realize that your face could look better. Dry, dull skin with wrinkles and "bruises" near the eyes, protruding nasolabial folds, a developing double chin and an uneven oval of the face do not contribute to optimism. It will be difficult to build a professional career if the work requires close communication with people.
Do not worry. This is the most opportune time for a decisive attack on old age. And one of the methods that quickly provides relief is the classic thread lifting (you can also call it a lifting of the lower third of the face). It restores the clarity of the lines to the contours and gives the skin shine and elasticity - the main signs of youth. A cosmetologist can also recommend peelings, mesotherapy and the use of hardware cosmetics. In some cases, doctors and patients decide to take a step such as partial facial plastic surgery.
Cosmeceuticals (home and professional care)
A modern cosmetologist thinks broadly, relates to colleagues (gynecologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist), because he understands that health and beautiful skin are unlikely without work on the rejuvenation of the entire body. The big advantage of modern techniques is that the doctor not only fills wrinkles, but has the opportunity to work on all fronts.
Genetic tests show a predisposition to certain processes in the body, including the skin, so that preventative treatment programs can be created.
Preparations, cosmeceuticals (home and professional care) contain substances whose effect on cell rejuvenation has been proven. This allows you not only to improve the quality of the skin externally, but also to initiate restoration processes in the cells, stimulate the formation of collagen fibers necessary for the skin and, for example, reduce the risk of the appearance of age spots and spider veins.
Some of the most popular procedures areInjection and hardware techniques
- InjectionsThey allow you to reduce sagging of the skin, improve its color and tone - these are mesotherapy techniques.
- Botulinum toxinrelaxes the muscles that create negative facial expressions and form wrinkles - between the eyebrows, on the forehead, mourning lines from the corners of the lips, strands on the neck.
- fillersReplenish lost volume in the cheek, cheekbone, temple and chin areas, restore the contour and shape of the lips and fill in deep wrinkles.
- Thread liftingbrings sagging tissue back into place – cheeks, eyebrows, "double chin".
The magic of these techniques is that the procedure takes very little time and the effect is visible immediately or increases over the course of a week. If you need to get your face in order quickly, beauty injections are the ideal choice.

Thread facelift after 50 years
The happy women who started professional facial care twenty years ago look 35 and continue to follow the advice of experts in the field of cosmetology. Women who looked closely in the mirror as late as 50 discovered weak, sagging, wrinkled skin, a double chin, drooping earlobes and cheeks, long nasolabial folds, pronounced furrows around the eyes and drooping eyelids.
You can't stand this! A healthy diet and physical activity are wonderful, but without the intervention of a beautician, no progress will be noticeable. A facelift is required. Thread lifting is still very effective even after 50 years. Facial threads are more durable after more than 50 years and are often not absorbable.
Plastic operations are actively used. Mesotherapy, peelings and hardware cosmetics can be used as aids.
Ultrasonic facial cleansing
Ultrasonic facial cleaning is primarily used to remove blackheads.

The positive effect of ultrasonic cleaning on the facial skin is also expressed in the following:
- the skin is cleansed;
- is saturated with oxygen;
- cell regeneration takes place;
- Acne, seborrhea, age spots disappear;
- the stratum corneum is removed;
- pores narrow;
- small wrinkles are smoothed;
- skin color improves;
- the skin becomes less oily.
Plastic or threads for facial rejuvenation after 60 years
You will never say that a woman is sixty if she visits a beauty clinic for thirty years and, under the strict guidance of a doctor, takes care of herself and preserves her beauty and youth. When the idea of rejuvenation after 60 first comes up, you need to work hard to look at least 10 years younger.
At this point, the skin is not only thinner, it is also hypersensitive and has poor blood circulation. This means that it almost does not regenerate. In addition, at this age there is already a whole "bouquet" of chronic somatic diseases. Therefore, after 60 years, the doctor must very carefully develop a rejuvenating complex that adapts to the physiological characteristics and capabilities of the body.
Plastic surgery is the most commonly used; it gives an aged face a lasting rejuvenation effect. Caution should be exercised during thread lifting as the skin has already lost its ability to repair itself. However, a lower facelift can be effective, especially at this age.
Facial rejuvenation is a long process. One-off actions lead to short-term results. Therefore, at the age of 25-30, it is quite possible to join a cosmetic clinic, find your own beautician and, together with her, confidently preserve your youth into old age.

Effective rejuvenation at home
Home rejuvenation options against the background of all modern methods are not only inferior, but generally humbly belong to the distant past. No single mask or beauty gadget can work miracles, the maximum is sufficient cleansing and moisturizing. The most insulting thing in this case is the lost time. It is three times more difficult to remove formed wrinkles and compact sagging skin. There is no need to talk about the financial component and the time required.

Effective rejuvenation at home is more of a fantasy. However, we should not forget that, for example, sufficient physical activity, a balanced diet, self-massage, working with posture are things that are available to absolutely everyone at home and, in any case, have an extremely positive effect on the external appearance, and especially the face.
Anti-aging facial care
To get fresh and toned skin, you need to immediately contact a competent specialist who knows all the new products in cosmetology, diagnoses the skin condition and recommends sessions suitable for you.
Anti-aging therapy in salon conditions is carried out using a number of safe and effective cosmetological measures that are becoming more and more popular every year.
In the search for the best anti-aging facials, the science of cosmetics has come a long way and can now offer us effective ways to maintain beauty. Young women are also interested in anti-aging treatments. The first signs of aging appear on the face as early as the age of 30-35.
According to scientific data, every year a person loses 1% collagen per year. After thirty years this is already noticeable. To tighten your face, in addition to using anti-aging cosmetics, you should also contact trusted specialists. Today there are many ways to combat anti-aging signs on the face.
Hardware cosmetics - prices and services in Moscow
Today hardware cosmetics are affordable for many people, so it is not surprising that the popularity of such services is increasing every day. It is a rejuvenating and therapeutic procedure performed by qualified beauticians using special equipment. Hardware cosmetics can painlessly and quickly eliminate skin defects, wrinkles, acne marks, pigmentation and other problems.
Real Clinic Hardware Cosmetology Center offers a variety of techniques for individual correction of facial and body defects. To consolidate and improve the results, we have modern equipment, first-class specialists and innovative materials and preparations at our disposal. We work individually with each client and develop comprehensive programs based on the existing treatment indications and the patient's wishes.
Main external factors of aging
Exposure to UV rays
Exposure to sunlight, which accelerates the natural aging process, is the main cause of the early appearance of wrinkles. UV rays have a destructive effect on the connective tissue of the dermis - collagen and elastin fibers that lie in the deeper layer of the skin. Without the elastic structure of connective tissue, the skin loses strength and flexibility and begins to sag and form wrinkles.
Smoking can accelerate the normal aging process of the skin and contribute to the development of wrinkles. This is due to the negative effect of nicotine on the circulatory system. The nutrition of skin tissue deteriorates - oxygen and nutrients are supplied in insufficient quantities, which contributes to slowing down the production of elastin and collagen.
Inadequate care
Skin is exposed to air pollutants such as PAHs, volatile organic compounds and oxides on a daily basis. This contributes to oxidative stress and creates an unfavorable environment that favors the development of pathogens that lead to poor skin health. Pollution damages the hydrolipid film, which increases the risk of wrinkles. Daily and high-quality cleansing of the skin is a simple way to preserve youth.
Right nutrition
Junk food
Women whose daily diet contains a lot of unhealthy foods have more wrinkles on their faces than women who watch their diet. Fatty foods slow blood circulation, caffeine contributes to dehydration and dull skin color, and sugar accelerates cell damage. In general, the accumulation of harmful substances in the body disrupts the normal functioning of cells, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.
Healthy food
Products with high anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties help improve the elasticity of the dermis by providing the necessary nutrients to stimulate collagen production and protect the skin from negative external influences and premature aging.